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Wellmind Health appoints Heather Cook as CEO
18 Jul 2024
Cook will take a more hands-on role in accelerating growth, product development & expansion
Pathway through Pain NICE EVA recommendation
5 Mar 2024
Pathway through Pain has been recommended for use in the NHS in a NICE EVA
Pathway through Arthritis officially launched
26 Sep 2023
Wellmind Health launches a unique digital arthritis pain management program with charity Versus Arthritis
ARTICLE: Wellmind Health appoints techUK board member as chair
6 Sep 2023
Heather Cook joins Wellmind Health as Advisory Board chair
Digital health expert Heather Cook joins Wellmind Health
6 Sep 2023
Wellmind Health welcomes Heather Cook as Special Advisor
ARTICLE: How - and why - to pass the DTAC
2 Mar 2023
ORCHA and Wellmind Health discuss the DTAC process and value for digital health developers and commissioners
ARTICLE: Wellmind Health awarded place on CSS Software Framework
16 Nov 2022
Be Mindful, Pathway through Pain and Meditainment are featured on Lot 2, Cloud Software (SaaS), on the G-Cloud 13 platform CAS.
ARTICLE: Be Mindful awarded to new NHS LLP procurement framework
7 Oct 2022
Be Mindful one of only five products on the new London IAPT computerised CBT Framework on the NHS London Procurement Partnership national hub
Professor of Public Health appointed to Wellmind Health Board
28 Sep 2022
Wellmind Health welcomes Lee Smith Ph.D. as Clinical and Academic Advisor supporting research development
ARTICLE: NHS Foundation Trust Research into Be Mindful
25 May 2022
Study reports success of outcomes and rollout through a UK community health provider
ARTICLE: Preventing & Reducing Stress Among Child Protection Social Workers
16 Mar 2022
The Ohio State University's feasibility study using Be Mindful to prevent and reduce work-related stress and investigate online recruitment
ARTICLE: GP surgeries in the south of England piloting Be Mindful
16 Feb 2022
Wellmind's digital mindfulness-based cognitive therapy course is being piloted across three Primary Care Networks in the south of England
ARTICLE: Supporting good mental health also makes economic sense
8 Feb 2022
Signposting financial-literacy assistance and providing digital therapeutics can help the growing number of people in need of support
ARTICLE: Researching the effects of mindfulness on workplace performance
25 Jan 2022
Cambridge University feasibility study employs Be Mindful to investigate the link between mindfulness and workplace performance
PRESS: Financial health and mental health
19 Jan 2022
Financial wellness is critical to mental and overall health, and financial literacy is the key
ARTICLE: Wellmind Health DTx courses certified DTAC-compliant
19 Jan 2022
Be Mindful and Pathway through Pain both independently evaluated by ORCHA
PRESS: Men’s mental health and mental health apps
19 Nov 2021
For many men, apps can be ‘an important gateway to mental health’
PRESS: Mental health apps and support for male staff
16 Nov 2021
Men find it harder to seek support, workplace policies and mental health apps can help
PRESS: Mental health and wellbeing and employee relations
6 Oct 2021
Supporting mental health and wellbeing, the cornerstone of strong employee relations
PRESS: Managing staff mental health in a hybrid work environment
9 Aug 2021
Supporting employees through more change and a new mode of working
PRESS: Two Wellmind Health apps rated top by ORCHA
9 Jun 2021
Digital therapeutics highest-scoring for depression and chronic pain
PRESS: Why good mental health is crucial for transformation
8 Jun 2021
Ensuring staff mental wellbeing through further change after pandemic stress
PRESS: Mental health and the next stage of the pandemic
10 May 2021
Supporting staff mental wellbeing through the next phase
PRESS: Mental health in Fintech
4 Feb 2021
Wellmind Health on providing support in these times
PRESS: Tech entrepreneurs’ mental health
25 Jan 2021
Founders share advice for coping with pandemic stress levels
PRESS: Managing staff mental health when remote working
22 Jan 2021
Wellmind Health on sustained stress and maintaining mental wellbeing
PRESS: Mental Health and the Cost to Business
19 Jan 2021
Issues, costs and alleviation methods from Wellmind’s CEO
PRESS: Tech predictions for 2021
30 Dec 2020
Wellmind Health contributes digital therapeutic forecasts
PRESS: Be Mindful listed as top health app
18 Nov 2020
Insights Care’s most recommended healthcare brands of 2020
PRESS: Be Mindful in Evening Standard’s best therapy apps
6 Nov 2020
London paper lists best therapy apps for managing mental health at home
Pathway through Pain in top-scoring apps review
4 Nov 2020
Orcha Health video reviews five top apps for winter pressures
PRESS: City mental health, COVID-19 and World Mental Health Day
21 Oct 2020
We discuss World Mental Health Day and mental health in the City for City Matters
PRESS: New approaches to tackle musculoskeletal disorders and chronic pain
1 Oct 2020
RoSPA article looks at MSDs and the workplace, featuring Pathway through Pain
PRESS: The COVID-19 pandemic and digital mental health solutions
18 Sep 2020
Wellmind Health’s CEO on mental health in London and digital health support
ARTICLE: Wellmind Health USA office opens
18 Aug 2020
Wellmind Health expand into the US market with the opening of the Boston office of its US subsidiary, Wellmind Health Inc.
ARTICLE: Pathway through Pain now published on the NHS Apps Library
11 Aug 2020
Wellmind Health's digital Pain Managment Programme (PMP) has successfully completed rigorous assessment for inclusion on the NHS Apps Library
PRESS: The Burgeoning Mental Health App Sector
31 Jul 2020
CEO Richard Latham discusses trends and developments for Med-Tech Innovation News
ARTICLE: Study finds Be Mindful reduces anxiety in autistic adults
4 May 2020
Research published in Autism journal finds Wellmind Health’s, Be Mindful effective at reducing anxiety and sustaining benefits in autistic adults
ARTICLE: Providing support in the global crisis with free meditations
22 Apr 2020
Responding to the Covid-19 crisis, Wellmind Health are giving away free lifetime access to their Meditainment library of guided meditations
PRESS: How digital health can help reduce anxiety during the pandemic
18 Mar 2020
Mobi Health News article on anxiety in the COVID-19 pandemic and digital health support
PRESS: Good Thinking Releases First Report
30 Sep 2019
The world-first city-wide free mental wellbeing service for Londoners tracks the journey from concept to pilot and its growth in a full report
Research on Pathway through Pain published in British Journal of Pain
22 Jul 2019
Study demonstrates significant positive outcome and cost-saving results of Wellmind Health's digital pain management programme
Be Mindful included in EMIS Health Apps Library
19 Jun 2019
GPs now able to recommend the Be Mindful Pathway to patients via the EMIS Health Apps Library
Be Mindful identified as top-five intervention for workplace wellbeing
16 Aug 2018
RAND Europe workplace wellbeing research study highlights Be Mindful for high score and standards of evidence
Study shows Be Mindful effective at reducing stress, anxiety and depression
2 May 2018
University of Surrey, School of Psychology, study evidences significant benefits with lasting results
Be Mindful approved for the NHS Apps Library
9 Feb 2018
Be Mindful has been listed on the NHS Apps Library following rigorous assessment
Upgraded Pathway through Pain course now a fully compatible web-app
8 May 2017
Enhancements mean the Wellmind Health Pain Management Programme is now fully compatible with mobile devices
Sleep quality improved and rumination and fatigue reduced by Be Mindful
22 Apr 2017
Leading academic study demonstrates significant work-related benefits of the Be Mindful Pathway
Pathway through Pain reduces healthcare costs in chronic pain patients
28 Jun 2016
A study conducted by Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust finds significant healthcare cost reductions for the online pain-management programme
Wellmind Health joins Prism, the NHS online therapy referral hub
15 Jun 2016
Wellmind Health joins Prism, the groundbreaking online referral hub for psychological therapies in NHS IAPT services
Oxford University research study evidences effectiveness of Be Mindful
29 Nov 2013
The findings demonstrating significant benefits of Wellmind Health's mindfulness-based Pathway in reducing stress, anxiety and depression